Monday, September 1, 2008

Pee factory, 4 dpiui

OK, that may be a bit TMI, but that's what I feel like. I went to bed last night around 11:30 (and peed right before). I got up to pee at 2:54 and again at 6:50! Then I went back to sleep and woke again at 9:15 and had to pee desparately! If I am not preggo, I'm not sure what else is up with me! And my boobs. They (nips) are just killing me! and have been since the day after I ovulated. Now, I know enough that is way to early to be counted as a preg symptom, and it has to do with increased hormones, but this never happened to me with any other cycle.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

when the stars align

Rhonda told me that she really thinks this is THE cycle. She just got an awesome promotion, and thinks everything is going to come together (job/$$, baby) at the same time. I got a great fortune in my fortune cookie yesterday: "You are going to have some new clothes" as in maternity clothes? No one elses fortune from the others at my table had anything remotely that you could read into about pregnancy. When the stars align, it's gotta be right!

Bring on the pantyliners

I personally think that if the RE you get for your insem doesn't particularly "believe" in what they are doing (insemming a lesbian) that it comes out in how they handle the IUI, bedside manner, etc. I mean they never sayyy anything, but it's pretty evident. The woman I had for this last IUI was genuinely excited for us and dismayed that we had not gotten prego yet. My cervix even liked her!
I went to Red Robin right after my insem with some co-workers. I got the salmon "burger". It's actually not a burger, it's like little filets of broiled salmon with this awesome sauce, and of course those yummy fries. Gotta have Omega 3's for the little bambino, ya know?
We were going to take a break after this cycle, for a vacation (yay!) mid Sept, but now I'm not sure because of possible IVF plans. My employers health insurance company is changing in Jan to one who does not cover IVF, whereas the current company does (somewhat). So, if I was ever going to consider IVF, I would have to start some testing and things at the start of my next cycle which of course would fall mid September.
I started progesterone supp this morning, so that was wonderful (arggh) Bring on the pantyliners!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Bowling balls

Here we go with baby making session number 7. I had a *great* insem on Thursday. We had the best RE nurse in the entire clinic perform the IUI...I love her. She was the one who helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel when I m/c last year. She remembered all about us from last December and showed genuine concern that we were not pregnant yet. She took her time doing the IUI (makes me wonder how others seem to perform IUI's so quickly) and told us to take all the time we needed in the exam room afterwards, which we took full advantage of! (wink wink) After the IUI, I met up with some co-workers for dinner at one of my favorites, Red Robin. While I was waiting for them to arrive at the restaurant, I started to have some super duper ovulation pain, so I'm hoping my timing was spot on! The ovulation pain lasted pretty much all night. The next morning it was a bit milder, but definitely still there. Must be the 100mg bowling balls (clomid) I took this cycle.